An AI SaaS-company with

cutting-edge technology



We structure data of the built environment. Our solutions creates an unbroken, digitalized and standardized information flow throughout the whole life cycle.

Powered by IBM Technologies

Our services



We implement SaaS solutions for operational coordination and sustainability reporting. We support companies in business development towards CSRD and the EU’s green deal.

We are focused on the built environment.

Digital coordination

Coordination within construction is a manual, time consuming and inffective process depending on individual key persons. A central environment for operational coordination of management and development. Samporten has three modules that work individually and in collaboration with each other. The tools in Samporten are based on standards in project management and building information in CoClass etc. The platform is the common database for all information flow throughout the life cycle of each property, building component and installation.

CSRD Reporting

Sustainability reporting is a big data challenge. IBM Envizi is the market’s leading sustainability reporting tool. A scalable platform that allows you to pay for what you need. Bring your entire supply chain together in the same system. Through surveys and invitations, all parties can report directly to the system. All the latest frameworks and directives are updated in the system from IBM. In collaboration with partners, we implement and train your organization and primarily offer our Managed service, a Managed service to support the system and ongoing reporting. Edsvärd is also a reseller of IBM Envizi.

A trusted partner.

We build together with IBM



News & articles

The Sparkling Sustainability Summit

The Sparkling Sustainability Summit Den här veckan vill vi dela nyheten kring vårt första partner-event. Tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners IBM, Addedo och Fujitsu anordnade vi ett event med temat ”Automatisering av CSRD-rapportering” på Sturehof i...

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Förbered dig för CSRD

Att mäta är att veta  Att hitta rätt partner för att bygga upp en strategisk färdplan kan göra det möjligt för ett företag att bli mer ansvarsfullt och lönsamt. Vi är lyhörda för bolagets verksamhet för att framgångsrikt möta dagens och morgondagens ökade krav på...

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Ny GRI certifiering

Ny GRI certifiering   Personlig utveckling är en delad glädje för oss alla, Grattis Arturo! En kvalitetsstämpel   Som ett led i att förbättra vår kompetens har vår kollega Arturo certifierat sig som GRI Certified Sustainaiblity Professional. Certifieringen...

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By better understanding and minimizing the environmental impact of the property industry, we can be a force of change for good. Being able to quickly provide detailed sustainability reports will also add real value for our clients

Lars Nylund, CEO Banfast

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